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Exercise 1

Six steps to this exercise:

  1. Go to your assigned location on campus.
  2. Immediately write in your journal what you see.
  3. Sit for at least ten minutes — and simply look. Don’t look at your phone! Don’t write anything; just look.
  4. Write down the details you didn’t notice when you first sat down.
  5. Imagine a story in this place. What might that story be?
  6. Be prepared to talk in class on Tuesday about what you saw and imagined.

Exercise 2

Nine steps to this exercise:

  1. Sunday afternoon, make your way to some spot in Auvillar.
  2. Immediately write in your journal what you see.
  3. Sit for at least ten minutes — and simply look. Don’t look at your phone! Don’t write anything; just look.
  4. Write down the details you didn’t notice when you first sat down.
  5. Imagine a story in this place. What might that story be?
  6. Monday afternoon, return to the same spot in Auvillar.
  7. Sit for at least ten minutes while thinking about the story you imagined.
  8. Write down more details that you notice; write more about the story you imagine.
  9. Be prepared to talk in class in Tuesday afternoon’s class about what you saw and imagined.

Exercise 3

I’ve divided you into three groups:

Sarah/Emily/Mary Catherine

Read one another’s scenes. (You’re welcome to read them aloud or silently, whichever you prefer.) Identify and discuss the following elements of the scenes as well as any other elements that feel significant:

  1. Point of view: What is it? how does it color or affect the scene?
  2. Place: Where — specifically and generally — is the story set? What details are presented? What additional details would be helpful?
  3. Character: Who are the characters? How are they described? What more would you like to know about them?
  4. Action: What appears to be the crucial event in the scene? What change takes place?

Exercise 4

Please finish, carefully revise, and proofread your scene and place it in the Student Writing Exercise folder on Google Drive. In Tuesday’s class, I’ll ask you to read your scene. Make sure you include your name both at the top of your scene and in the name of your document.



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